50% on winter coats and shoes
We go one better and make room! Bargain hunters and savings foxes watch out! On our fall and winter coats and shoes you get 50 % discount. Now it's no longer a question of "this or that" - now it's "this and this and this".
A look into the future
If only it were that easy - to have the next 10 or 20 years in front of you at a glance. As tempting as the thought may be, it's often a good thing that exactly that is not possible. We would forget to focus on the moment and experience the moment. And wouldn't it be a shame to miss that sight? We can see your future
Surprise - Surprise
We love surprises! Excitement, anticipation and fashion. Our fashion box is back! Treat yourself to your personal surprise and choose between our Fashion Box for 100 euros (worth 220 euros) or 200 euros (worth 320 euros). The box contains a selection of jackets, sweaters, t-shirts, blouses, dresses or pants from the Rinascimento and More&More brands from the fall and winter collection. Exchange
The greatest happiness
Is there anything more beautiful than happy people who visibly like each other? Shining eyes, tender touches and gestures that say more than a thousand words. Beyond that, taking the big step is another highlight on the journey together. Being perfectly dressed is the cherry on top of the cake. The happiness you have found yourself, with the perfect outfit can
Too early for spring?
In places it was still white and frosty this morning, but strong colors are already coming into play again. The first spring merchandise has arrived and that even though the actual start of spring is still a bit of a wait. But who says we need a date to feel comfortable with our fashion. Green, red, pink, orange,
Elegant three piece suit
Characteristic look for style-conscious men. Chic or casual? Depending on how you want to combine your outfit and of course depending on the occasion: Are the wedding bells ringing in the future? Is there a certain dress code at work? Do you have an invitation or do you just want to show that you can do it? Without words worth a second look. You too can find the companion for the great
Once princess
Once in a lifetime to be a princess, fulfill their own childhood dream and enjoy the admiration of all. But nothing beats his look - an expression of sincere happiness and heartfelt love. Sissi was yesterday, even if no one could breathe more beautiful "Franz"! Now it's time for your big day. Enjoy the preparation, make your appointment and get advice from friends and family and
Ready for the Opera Ball
What distinguishes beautiful women? They are open to new things and set themselves no limits. They know their advantages and know how to deal with them. They have that certain something - they don't search, they are found. A description that fits Ekaterina Mucha perfectly. The publishing couple from Austria is already showing off their outfit for the upcoming Opera Ball on Feb. 16, 2023. Individually
Sale - sale - sale
The new year is barely a few days old, we already have the current spring trends in mind and make room for it. Now it's double skimming and grab great bargains. On the one hand, the temperatures will certainly not remain so mild and there are still many opportunities to wear the winter trends, on the other hand, it is called 40 % save. Our offer is valid
Wedding fair in Simbach
In 2023 Mars takes the role of the ruling planet. The power planet can provide the zodiac signs with a lot of energy, but at the same time it can also present them with challenges. If one of your biggest challenges is finding the right wardrobe for the big day, we can definitely help you out. On 08.01.2023 we are from 10:00 to 17:00 on the wedding fair in Simbach and